
Bee Light Candle Cafe is a heart centered, joyful adventure created by a grateful DIY girl. Products are created mindfully in small batches with the intention of getting natural products into the hands and homes of customers, ultimately providing the finest wellness creations infused with holistic ideals and ideas.  

Healing, wellness & balance are incredibly important to me to share as I learn along my own journey and candles represent more to me than wax and a wick. The flame of a candle has captured a memory, reminding us to move in our lives like a flame that dances so freely with such clarity and brightness. I love that a scent can evoke an awareness and awaken a feeling or a memory.  

My goal each day is to live every moment with genuine intentions and kindness in my heart in the hope that this transfers to whatever I do and I in some small way hope my products enhance the calmness, peacefulness and balance in  your life.


Linda is also a Reiki Master and incorporates Sound Therapy with Healing Quartz Crystal Bowls ~  She lives in Weaverville with her husband Jerry and her cats,  StarLight and Skye Willow